What is the most failed class?


Fall 2023 marked a record for UNLV freshman enrollment with 4,600 first-year students

Many new students enrolled in their first college classes, the first break-away from K-12 education. Well, with new courses come new challenges. It has been noted that Computer Science 135 has one of the highest fail rates, but is it the class with the most Fs received? 

Students on campus were asked “What do you think is the most failed class?” The responses were mostly College algebra and Calculus. However, one of the most common answers was Accounting. Many students in the degree field shared their struggle with the curriculum.

The truth of the matter is that all of these classes are of importance, and many students will struggle with more than just one class during their academic career. Student success relies on the ability to balance academic and personal life, as well as utilizing all beneficial resources online and  on campus. 

One student, Danny Taloma, was gracious enough to allow for an interview.

Taloma, a fourth-year Psychology major, stressed the importance of utilizing your professor’s office hours. “When you have questions or struggle with an unknown concept, ask,” he stated. “Use a planner and schedule your whereabouts, and add dedicated homework time slots,” he further added. Taloma was recently voted as president of a new organization, Undergraduate Student Association of Research (USTAR). Their mission is to help any and all students discover the importance of individual research. Students can learn how to research with hands-on workshops that engage learning and further develop an understanding of their chosen field. 

According to a Study Breaks Magazine article, College Algebra, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Anatomy/Physiology are challenging for students across various colleges/universities. 

As Taloma hinted, some professors understand the level of difficulty in their curriculum and may offer extra support throughout the semester. Tools such as formulas given on the test, grade curving and extended office hours are some instances in which professors aid in challenging classes. Utilizing a planner to map out the week’s assignments or to jot down important in-class notes, such as changes to the syllabus, are a few common planning techniques.

With a quarter of the semester down, many have taken their first exam of that challenging class. Stress frequently accompanies lower-than-anticipated grades, but time is on your side. The Academic Success Center offers tutoring services for all classes mentioned in this article. Their office is located on the second floor inside of the Lied Library. 

Any class can pose a challenge and become a potential F on a transcript. Therefore, it is crucial to plan ahead by knowing each course’s syllabus and professor office hours, utilizing a planner, and getting extra help on a subject via tutoring — before the exam. Avoid becoming a statistic of a failed class. Plan ahead.

Visit the campus bookstore to get your hands on an exclusive UNLV planner. Open a new tab and search “ASC” on UNLV’s main website to find specific tutoring information, such as office hours and all classes offered. For more information about USTAR, contact Danny directly through email at danilio.taloma@unlv.edu.


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