COVID-19 update in southern Nevada

Scarlet & Gray stock photo of face mask. Photo by Kayla Faasse

Southern Nevadans are still facing the toll of the COVID-19 delta variant, but data from the Southern Nevada Health District may show that efforts to reduce the spread are working.

As of Nov. 4, the SNHD COVID-19 data shows a slow but steady decline in new cases. In the middle of October, the seven-day average was at 332 cases and by the end of the month, the average was cut down to 299 cases. 

Deaths related to COVID-19 are also on the decline as in the middle of October there were nearly 10 deaths and by the end of the month there were just three deaths. Over 90 percent of all deaths in southern Nevada are from those ages 50 and up, according to SNHD

The Hispanic population has made up 31 percent of all cases, leading the chart as the white population trails at 26 percent of all cases.

The population most affected by COVID-19 is the Black and Asian/Pacific Islander as they lead southern Nevada in deaths by population size. Overall, the Black and Asian/Pacific Islander are the lowest in sheer number of deaths, accounting for 26 between the two. To put that into perspective, the white population makes up nearly 47 percent of all COVID-19 deaths. But when the populations are put against the amount of deaths, the Black and Asian/Pacific Islander populations are dying the most. 

In the Black community 297 out of 100,000 are dead, while the Asian/Pacific Islander population is 296 per 100,000. The Hispanic population makes up for the lowest amount of deaths of nearly 199 deaths per 100,000. 

The Black community is the least likely to be vaccinated at 48 percent at a national average, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. In Nevada, only 34 percent of Blacks have received their vaccine. But the same cannot be said about the Asain/Pacific Islander community.

The Asian/Pacific Islander community ranks the highest in Nevada when it comes to vaccination rates, at 54 percent, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Nationwide, the Asian population is 71 percent vaccinated. The population that is closest to that of the Asian population in the nation is the white population at 55 percent. 

According to SNHD’s COVID-19 data, although women are slightly more likely to be the ones to get the delta variant, men make up 61 percent of all the deaths. 

25 to 49 year olds still make up the majority of all the southern Nevada COVID-19 cases, making up 45 percent of all cases, according to SNHD. The second closest is the 50 to 64 age group at nearly 19 percent of all cases, this is less than half of the 25 to 49 age group. 


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