Taking a moment to BREATHE! at this year’s emerging tech convention


The world of technology is evolving and the Breathe Convention showcased all the latest innovations at the Las Vegas World Market Center. The Breathe Convention made a comeback this past Wednesday, Sept. 13 through Friday, Sept. 15 to enlighten visitors on the newest pieces of technology. From artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, Metaverse, blockchains and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), this event contains all aspects within the Web 3.0 marketplace. The Scarlet & Gray Free Press had a chance to speak with the Co-Founder Stormie Andrews in regard to his insights during the first day of the convention. 

“Breathe Convention is a convention about emerging technology. But not just emerging technology because right now, we’re in this space, we’re in this time in history, which is unlike any other because one. We have this convergence of technology that’s pretty incredible as it relates to its potential of shaping humanity,” said Andrews. 

The idea of Breathe as described by Andrews came from a quote that Shawn Willie, his wife and founder of the brand, heard from A.J. Materi. Materi stated,  “So many spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” With this quote, the journey of Breathe began for tomorrow’s technology to bring not only an immersive experience but one that allows others to simply breathe. 

The convention presented ideas that change the future of work. There were panel discussions with digital field experts such as UNLV’s professors, Benjamin Morse and Aya Shata, Ph.D. Additionally, there were fireside chats forming thought-provoking conversations with well-known visionaries such as Cuba Gooding Jr. as well as Sophia the Robot. All of the selected speakers elaborated on their perspectives and backgrounds in terms of the way we utilize our work environments. 

Alongside these speakers were also the wonderful vendors who came to share their own company’s goals and automation. The Scarlet and Gray Free Press spoke with Brayden Clark, the CEO of Chaos Inc., and its Operations Coordinator, Harley Burland. As explained by Clark, “Chaos Inc. is a marketing and development team that works mainly with high tech start-ups, so virtual reality, crypto, motorsports. We also worked with a lot of entertainment brands.” 

Clark brought up the reasoning behind his company working alongside start-ups in particular. “So a lot of startups start with a really, really good idea. And those ideas. Innovative. They’re fun. They’re exciting. Most of the time, the second you try to actually take them to market they kind of fall apart.”

“It’s hard to get a startup going. It requires sales and systems and marketing and knowing how to develop well. It’s really easy to take an idea and burn through a lot of money with it. So what we’re really good at is helping teams take their ideas, build all the systems and processes required to develop, and market and sell their product well without spending a whole lot of money. The really cheesy line we like to use is ‘startups are chaos and we help you control it.’” 

The Breathe Convention was an amazing experience for experts, beginners and those who are not yet used to the evolving technology surrounding us. It not only discussed the importance of using new technological advances to aid livelihoods but also created connections within the community.


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