The Rebel Event Board (REB) hosted a trivia night in the Student Union Ballroom on April 6 from 7 to 10 p.m. The theme was 2010s nostalgia featuring speckled neon tablecloths and questions about the One Direction hiatus.
The trivia event included both individual and group categories, with an initial practice round full of general knowledge questions for folks to get adjusted to the online platform. Students were able to participate from their phones, while the student hosting the event would walk through the tables to ensure no one was unpermitted searching for answers on the internet.
Following the first round of practice, the trivia questions began following the night’s decade theme and prizes were given away. Throughout the night students competed for a pair of Airpod Pros, Life is Beautiful tickets, a popcorn maker, a UNLV gift card and Golden Knights tickets.
Before the event started, the line area outside the Student Union ballrooms was roped off and around 50 students were standing in line pulling up their student event passes. By the time the event moved inside, there were about double that many people, about 100 in total.
The event was catered and before the trivia activities began, all students were encouraged to sit and chat with their peers and enjoy a Greek dinner. The music was inspired by the theme of the evening.
The event provided plenty of time for student interaction and a break from classwork. The energy of the event seemed different than what some students expected, under the impression that an email had claimed a “Rebels After Dark” event was to take place.
While some students learned more about the event as it began, the nostalgia theme carried through heavily with the way the activity was taught. Students were told the online trivia platform scored similarly to “Kahoot” based on precision and accuracy.
When the first round of themed questions began there was usually a quick shout followed by whispers from the tables as each question filled the screen. Some of the questions required more specific knowledge, like the legal name of Lady Gaga. While others asked about top album rankings or artists of specific years and allowed students to deliberate the options before them.
While students are nearing the end of the spring semester and course work begins its final boom, events for students such as this one offer students reprieve. The theme of the night carried the student’s energy and while currently living through the early 2020s many students in the ballroom laughed together remembering the pop culture and core moments of the 2010s that are widely remembered today.
This was the first time the Rebel Event Board had hosted a trivia night of this type, which they revealed the next day on its instagram @rebunlv. It was not made clear whether another trivia night of this style is planned at the time of this event. When discussing future events, students were referred to look out for the upcoming rescheduled Foodie Fest coming to Pida Plaza on April 12.
The Rebel Event Board post with images from the event can be found here: