To many students, the idea of pursuing a bachelor’s degree seems like a one-time deal. Four years of work, graduation and then off to the job market or graduate school. It’s the basic formula for most college students. That is, for “most” students. But for Ingrid de Oca, what’s better than one bachelor’s degree? Well, two of course!
Ahead of Super Bowl 58, the graphic design intern for the Super Bowl Host Committee shares her story of both risk and success.
“I previously got my first bachelor’s in Nutrition at California Polytechnic University, Pomona. I decided I wanted to pursue a career in my first passion: the arts,” de Oca stated. “It was a huge risk and I suffered from imposter syndrome for a while, wondering if I made the right decision to make such a huge move in my professional goals.”
De Oca’s passion for success led her to the Super Bowl 58 Host Committee this past summer, where she worked under Chief Creative Officer Salina Raymond on various graphic-related projects. “I was able to learn so much. I was able to learn more about using Adobe Illustrator and was given projects such as designing signage, clothing, water bottles, etc. I also learned how to use brand assets for the first time and how to collaborate with a design team,” de Oca explained. Although I knew nothing about football or the Super Bowl, I wanted to apply because I knew it would take me out of my comfort zone and challenge me. I was able to meet and network with so many fellow staff and interns who continue to push me and opened up unexpected opportunities and avenues for me.”
With her passion for graphic design serving as a guiding light, de Oca’s design was chosen for the Vegas Ticket Jackpot. To her surprise, she noticed her design on a billboard on her drive home from school. “It was a very humbling and validating out-of-body experience for me.”
The Global Entrepreneurship Experience program is a 3-year practical entrepreneurship program hosted by the Lee Business School. De Oca serves in the 14th cohort of students in the program and cites it for her collaborative spirit and creative mindset. With such a mindset, de Oca has seen significant success off the football field, winning first and second place for the Lee Women in Business and UNLV MIS Society at the most recent COX Innovation Challenge.
By combining her talents of graphic design and seeking application at every turn, de Oca was able to take advantage of the opportunities presented to her and create a sizable impact on the UNLV community and her peers.
“I hope to one day work in the entertainment industry and use my skills to make graphics others can be excited about and enjoy!”