Behind the scenes of Premier UNLV

REB Program Coordinator Zoe Brill at her desk inside the Student Involvement & Activities office.

Premier UNLV returns on Aug. 31 from 5:30 to 10 p.m. at the Intramural Field. UNLV’s grand yearly welcoming event will boast free food, games and the famous letter formation, where students form each of the letters in “UNLV.” Freshmen make the “U,” sophomores make the “N,” juniors make the “L” and seniors make the “V.”

Students can expect Premier’s yearly traditions of the aerial photo of the letter formation and a DJ concert at the end of the night as well as some secret surprises for both returning and new students. Each year’s Premier brings a new t-shirt with a fresh design, which students can grab for free.

“We really think returning students are gonna love the new t-shirt design this year,” said Zoe Brill, one of the program coordinators for Rebel Events Board (REB). “For new students, bring your positive attitude and excitement for the year.”

Premier has been going strong since August 1996 and is planned by REB and Student Involvement & Activities (SIA). According to Brill, the event brings in about 5,000 students each year.

“As soon as last year’s Premier ends, the next year’s Premier is already being planned,” said Brill. “The hardcore planning starts in May and lasts all throughout summer.”

Senior program coordinator, Ryan Romero, advises one student who spearheads planning. Because of Premier’s scale, other departments are involved and other REB members like Brill all help with Premier. According to the Premier UNLV website, departments like CSUN, the Office of the President, UNLV Athletics, UNLV Marching Band and Campus Housing are involved with Premier.

In Brill’s two years with REB, she’s seen Premier balance keeping old traditions alive and trying new things to appeal to everyone on campus. Additionally, she wants to make sure Premier is effectively marketed to everyone and increase the number of students who attend.

Brill would also love the community to get involved someday.

“The aerial image includes the Strip, so it would be nice to get casinos involved or even the MSG Sphere to turn red for the picture,” she said. 

Students are looking forward to the big kick-off event.

“Of course, I’m excited for Premier,” said Morgan Mollenkopf, a senior in the finance major. “The pictures are always nice with the fireworks and, of course, you can’t miss the free food.”

Brill eagerly encourages students to attend Premier UNLV.

“It’s one of the first events of the year, so you can jumpstart your year here and really feel like a part of the UNLV community,” Brill said.

The Intramural Field is located on the corner of University Center Drive and Harmon Avenue. Follow @rebunlv on Instagram for more information about Premier UNLV.


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