Study abroad is more affordable than we think

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Traveling is a dream for many wanderlust-filled college students. With tuition, housing and groceries all piling up to cost an arm and a leg, it is almost impossible to even think about taking the first step toward that dream. One of the first obstacles to studying abroad is money. Ever since middle school, I knew I wanted to explore the world. Curiosity and interest in new cultures and cities took over my mind. I was born and raised in Southern California. Driving by the same stores and restaurants every day was comforting yet unexciting. I craved something more. The first big choice I made was getting my parents to agree to my decision to study at an out-of-state university. I finally could explore a new area and live in a whole new state. I researched and applied for so many scholarships. Some were related to being an incoming freshman, and others related to studying hospitality. With the generosity and acceptance of multiple scholarships, I was able to attend UNLV officially. My passion and drive didn’t stop there as I attended a study abroad info session right at the beginning of my first semester as a freshman.

I was worried about the prices of a whole study abroad program. Semester programs could range from around $10,000 to $20,000. That number probably scared students away from even attending an info session. Luckily, since I attended, I heard of a solution that I was actually very familiar with: scholarships. Study abroad programs are more affordable than we think because there are so many scholarships specifically for going abroad. UNLV’s International Programs office, the office in charge of study abroad, has a website that lists study abroad scholarships that UNLV offers, ones that are specifically for Asia, ones that support any location and even one sponsored by the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. These just scratch the surface of what scholarships are out there. There are many outside organizations that offer study abroad scholarships that aren’t even listed on the website. Because of all this aid, over 50% of students who study abroad go for cheaper than what they pay for one semester at UNLV. There is one more important trick that helped me make my study abroad semester in Nagasaki, Japan four times cheaper than the predicted price.

I briefly mentioned earlier that I am studying hospitality and won scholarships related to the industry. After many financial questions to Kara Marinch, the interim director of International Programs, she shared the important fact that those scholarships could go towards studying abroad as well! All I had to do was email the organizations for permission to use the scholarship money I won for my study abroad program, and that was it. Kara shared, “It is rare that an organization wouldn’t support a student with their study abroad program.” It was only then that I knew just how affordable study abroad could be. The only things needed to achieve your own study abroad dream is to attend an info session, apply for all the scholarships you can and stay passionate. I had the time of my life studying abroad in Nagasaki for four and a half months. I want to help others realize how affordable studying abroad can be for them, which is why I started UNLV’s Study Abroad Club. No student should have to be shut down immediately after looking at the estimated price of a program, but rather have support as to how to make that price lower. Traveling while you’re a college student is possible. Studying abroad is affordable.


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