UNLV Sustainability Task Force creates RebelCAP

Greenspun College of Urban Affairs is a Gold Certified LEED Building on the UNLV Campus.

A UNLV Sustainability Task Force has begun gathering Rebelmail contacts for the creation of a university-wide Climate Action Plan or RebelCAP. The task force is currently looking to gauge interest in the creation of the university-wide plan. The climate action plan is being created following the CSUN resolution last fall that appointed the initial Sustainability Task Force, as well as documented the perceived support for the initiative and initial declaration of intent to clearly lay out university environmental policy. 

The call for a concrete climate action plan comes as many other universities and localities across the country have taken a moment to reflect on environmental impacts. These plans start by outlining historical environmental impacts of the campus and the steps that can be taken to reduce emissions and waste. The plan will also include a general framework for the school’s commitments to clean energy, energy efficiency, as well as mass-recycling.  

UNLV is working in collaboration with Brailsford & Dunlavey (B&D) Environmental consulting which aims to connect campuses and communities with necessary resources to meet their environmental commitment goals. 

Information available through the B&D website highlights various case studies among the 600 colleges and universities that have worked with the organization to transform various elements of student life in alignment with a variety of sustainability goals in mind. Specifically, the site’s heading references “programs such as student housing, recreation, athletics, unions, dining, energy, innovation districts, mixed-use developments, and more.”

UNLV has made strides in sustainability on campus and uplifting projects that help make the campus more efficient, particularly with energy and water usage. Many structures around UNLV are already acknowledged as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified Buildings. These buildings have been examined and will lay the foundation as some of the primary structures as the campus continues to grow around these various campus staples. 

Students looking to get more information as it develops can submit their Rebelmail for updates here (if the form is inaccessible, make sure you are signed in with your Rebelmail Google account). The UNLV Sustainability website can also be found here for further reading. 

For more information check out the UNLV Sustainability home page.


  1. Make all classes have an online option so students don’t have to use gasoline to get to class. Simple as. The fact that Covid was the only reason we had online classes is a tragedy. Climate change should be enough an emergency to NECESSITATE online classes for all. Too bad, this will never happen. UNLV makes too much money from squeezing students dry from parking pass fees.


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